Consumer’s Guide to Purchasing a Water Ionizer Reviews
Consumer's Guide to Purchasing a Water Ionizer

Imagine having the ability to take normal tap water and turn it into an antioxidant with a negative ORP (oxidation reduction potential) (or charge), which retards the aging process. Put simply, a high ORP increases oxidation and therefore aging. The negative charge, or ORP, of Ionized Water literally retards the aging process by counteracting this high ORP. Ionized Water essentially renews us at a cellular level. This is as close as we can ever hope to get to a Fountain of Youth, as incredible as that may sound. For instance, fresh, raw vegetables have a negative ORP. Although we can only consume so many vegetables in a day, we can drink as much Ionized Water as we want as long as we don t drink more than one liter per hour and don t drink water with our meals. Many people drink as much as two gallons of Ionized Water per day and have seen incredible health benefits. To get the full power of Negatively Charged, Antioxidant, Oxygen-Rich Ionized Water, it must be consumed fresh and strong, right out of the tap. Slow the water flow down on the Water Ionizer so the water has more contact time with the electrode plates. The glass will be filled with thousands of tiny bubbles, which are hydroxyl ions, which is one of the antioxidants and the reason for the negative ORP. The ORP is the most fragile aspect of Ionized Water, lasting only 18-24 hours and is strongest immediately after the ionized water is made. This is why you should strive to drink it directly from the tap. Ionized Water is very Alkaline and helps balance the body's pH, which tends to be acidic because of our diet comprised of cooked foods, pasteurized or otherwise processed foods. Soft drinks are the most acid substance a person can put in their body. This acidic condition creates an ideal environment in our body for disease to thrive. For example, accumulated acid waste in the joints encourages inflammation and arthritis. Because it is very Alkaline, Ionized Water dissolves accumulated acid waste and helps return the body to balance. Keeping ourselves Alkaline is the first line of defense in fighting any disease. Ionized Water is up to six times more hydrating than conventional water. Water is one of the most important elements in the body, which is over 70% water. Ionized Water is fundamentally different from conventional water. This is because the size and shape of the water molecule cluster has been reduced in size and changed to a hexagonal formation, which allows the water cluster to pass through bodily tissues more easily. One of the primary causes of disease is chronic cellular dehydration, a condition which leaves the body's cells in a perpetual state of weakness and defense. One of the major causes of chronic disease is not providing the body with sufficient water. We simply do not drink enough water (at least half our weight in ounces) to keep ourselves properly hydrated and therefore healthy. Ionized Water is extremely detoxifying. This is also because of the reduced size and shape of the water molecule clusters. Once reduced, these water clusters pass through the body's tissues much easier and push out toxins and acid waste quite effectively. Water Ionizers have several levels of strength so people who are toxic can begin by drinking mild Ionized Water, slowly increasing in strength as they acclimate to it.

List Price: $ 9.95
Price: $ 3.50
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