Friday, January 21, 2011

Brave New World – Un mundo feliz – Schöne neue Welt

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A few nice World images I found:

Brave New World - Un mundo feliz - Schöne neue Welt


Image by alles-schlumpf

© alles-schlumpf

Photographed at the trade fair "CeBIT" 2009 in Hannover, Germany. Brave New World. Pushing the shopping cart in future just virtual? Online-shopping. But I like it to go shopping... ;-)
"Brave New World" is a novel by Aldous Huxley. The ironic title ultimately derives from Miranda's speech in Shakespeare's The Tempest, Act V, Scene I: "O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world! That has such people in't!"

La foto es una perspectiva de la CeBIT (feria de informática más grande de Europa que se celebra en Hannóver) 2009.
comercio electrónico.
Un mundo feliz (Brave New World en inglés, literalmente ‘Un Nuevo Mundo Valiente’) es la novela más famosa del autor británico Aldous Huxley. El título tiene origen en una obra del autor William Shakespeare, La Tempestad, en el acto V, cuando Miranda pronuncia su discurso.
Aufgenommen auf der CeBIT 2009 in Hannover (übrigens am Stand vom Beschaffungsamt; ich habe das Foto dann noch ein wenig nachbearbeitet).
Schöne neue Welt. Wird der Einkaufswagen in der Zukunft nur noch virtuell geschoben? Einkaufen per Mausklick im Internet.
Aber ich mag das Einkaufen gehen..... ;-)
"Schöne neue Welt" ist ein Roman von Aldous Huxley. Ursprünglich stammt der Ausdruck jedoch aus dem 5. Akt von Shakespeares Drama "The tempest": O Wunder! Was gibt's für herrliche Geschöpfe hier! Wie schön der Mensch ist! Schöne neue Welt, die solche Bürger trägt!

All my images are copyrighted.
If you intend to use any of my pictures for non-commercial usage, you have to sign them with © alles-schlumpf
It would be nice if you contact me first.

If you have any commercial usage, you need to contact me always first. USE WITHOUT PERMISSION IS ILLEGAL.

You find some of my photos on Getty Images. Search for Alles-schlumpf.
Thank you.

Construction on Lower Manhattan's West Side, Just North of the World Trade Center (Tall Building in Background) 05/1973


Image by The U.S. National Archives

Original Caption: Construction on Lower Manhattan's West Side, Just North of the World Trade Center (Tall Building in Background) 05/1973

U.S. National Archives’ Local Identifier: 412-DA-7429

Photographer: Blanche, Wil

New York (New York state, United States) inhabited place
Environmental Protection Agency

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Repository: Still Picture Records Section, Special Media Archives Services Division (NWCS-S), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD, 20740-6001.

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