Thursday, February 17, 2011

What benefits would a double degree of Mining engineering and commerce have as opposed to just the engineering?

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Question by caine Tomlin: What benefits would a double degree of Mining engineering and commerce have as opposed to just the engineering?

Im a yr 12 leaver this year and going onto uni next year. I was thinking about doing a mining engineering degree. I was wandering what benefits would commerce and mining engineering double degree have over a mining engineering degree. I was semi interested in starting my own business in the future and this is where the commerce degree would come in handy. I would like to combine the two degrees in the workforce. So what benefits would the double degree have over the single?

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Answer by Daniel
If you have a degree - or any other qualification - then you'll already be ahead of the bunch when it comes to searching for vocations. My mate has a degree and he wasn't certain what direction to go with it, but he stumbled upon some good guidance on the website in the resource box below which aided him to settle that he wanted to be a lab assistant. There is a lot of assistance on the website regarding other vocations.

What do you think? Answer below!

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